Celebrating 25 Years in the Web Design Industry: Digital Tea Time

Aug 23, 2024 | Digital Marketing, General, Mobile Responsive Website, Programming, Web design, Web Development and Design

Break out the best China set and the tiniest spoons you can find, and let’s sit down for a little Digital Tea Time and a stroll down (random access) memory lane. For those who don’t know – Digital Tea turns the big quarter century this August and we are very proud to be where we are. It has been an incredible ride so far, and we are so grateful to our family, loved ones, staff, clients, and friends who have supported us through building our business into what it is today.

Being in the business of designing websites for as long as we have, we’ve seen some pretty incredible transformations over the past 25 years. From the rudimentary text-based websites of the 90s to the dynamic, interactive, and user-centric designs of today, the evolution of web design reflects huge technological advancements as well as rapidly changing user expectations. As we celebrate 25 years in this field we call home, we’ll reflect on some of our own personal milestones, highlight tech industry breakthroughs, and look to future trends shaping the industry today. With that said, let’s spill some tea, shall we?

The Early Days: The Birth of Web Design (1990s)

In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was born, and with it came the first attempts at web design. Websites in this era were basic, text-heavy, and really missing a lot of the visual appeal we now take for granted.

Key Milestones

  1. HTML and the Mosaic Browser (1993): The Mosaic browser, released in 1993, was the first to support images alongside text, revolutionizing how websites were viewed and designed. HTML became the foundational language for creating web pages.
  2. Tables and Frames (Mid-90s): Early web designers used tables and frames to create rudimentary layouts, allowing for more complex and organized page structures.
  3. Flash (1996): Macromedia Flash introduced animation and interactivity to web pages, enabling designers to create more engaging and visually appealing content.
  4. Digital Tea is born: August 31, 1999 the five original partners of Digital Tea come together to create something pretty awesome.

Design Characteristics of websites in the 90’s

  • Basic Layouts: Single-column layouts with minimal navigation.
  • Text-Heavy: Predominantly text with limited use of images.
  • Low Interactivity: Simple hyperlinks for navigation.

The Turn of the Millennium: The Rise of CSS and Dynamic Content (2000s)

As the internet became more widely used and accessible, the demand for better-designed websites started to grow. The 2000s marked significant advancements in web design technologies, leading to more dynamic and visually appealing websites – ones that were a lot nicer to navigate and look at and were also a lot more fun to build.

Key Milestones

  1. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Introduced in the late 90s and gaining popularity in the 2000s, CSS allowed creators to separate content from presentation, enabling more flexible and creative designs.
  2. JavaScript and AJAX: JavaScript brought interactivity to web pages, while AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) allowed for dynamic content updates without refreshing the entire page.
  3. Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal made it easier for developers and non-developers alike to create and manage websites, democratizing web design.
  4. Digital Tea gains a following for designing unique and dynamic websites unlike anyone else in Canada, taking on national and international clients. Programming is introduced in 2002, and with that addition, we build databases and advanced websites unlike anything on the Canadian market.
  5. Digital Tea has a number of different office locations throughout the 2000s, first moving from our original office in TD Tower downtown to south Edmonton for an easier commute. The DT headquarters then moves locations again, this time partnering with award-winning photographer, Con Boland, and moves into his studio space in the Edmonton River Valley. Several years later, the Digital Tea(m) makes a move back to the south side, where we would stay until 2020.

Design Characteristics of websites in the 2000s

  • Complex Layouts: Multi-column layouts with advanced navigation structures.
  • Enhanced Interactivity: Interactive elements like dropdown menus, sliders, and forms.
  • Improved Aesthetics: Greater use of images, animations, and styles.

The Mobile Revolution: Responsive and Adaptive Design (2010s)

The explosion of smartphones and tablets in the 2010s made it necessary for web designers to take a new approach. Websites now needed to function seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, and (ideally) needed to look great on all of them. As more people across the globe use smartphones, companies need to adapt to having their websites available and fully functional for mobile devices.

Key Milestones

  1. Responsive Web Design (2010): Coined by Ethan Marcotte, responsive design uses flexible grids, layouts, and media queries to create websites that adapt to different screen sizes.
  2. HTML5 and CSS3: These technologies brought new capabilities, including better multimedia support for images and video, improved animations, and advanced layout options.
  3. Frameworks and Libraries: Tools like Bootstrap and jQuery simplified the development of responsive and interactive websites.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): As more and more websites populate the internet, it has become harder for businesses to be found by the users and customers who fall into their target audience. This is where SEO comes into play, helping search engines like Google find websites that are more relevant to what users are looking for.
  5. Digital Tea focuses on creating exciting and dynamic website designs for desktop and mobile and introduces Search Engine Optimization to our suite of services. With the rise of the App, we further utilize the skills of our incredible programmers and offer app design and Custom Software Development.

Design Characteristics of websites in the 2010s

  • Fluid Layouts: Designs that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Designing with Mobile in Mind: Designing for mobile devices becomes increasingly important – something that has carried over to designs today and is likely here to stay.
  • Minimalist Aesthetics: Simplified designs with an emphasis on usability and performance.

The Modern Era: User Experience and Advanced Technologies (2020s)

Four and a half years into the 2020s, we are seeing website design characterized by a focus on user experience (UX). With so many websites and possible digital experiences available for users, it has become more important than ever to design with UX in mind. In the last few years in particular, there has been an explosion in the development and mainstream use of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), and the introduction of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies into web design.

Key Milestones

  1. User-Centered Design: Emphasis on designing websites and apps with the user’s needs and behaviours in mind, leading to more intuitive and enjoyable experiences.
  2. AI and Machine Learning: AI is being used to create personalized experiences, chatbots, and predictive analytics, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction, and allowing for constant and fluid changes to suit user experiences.
  3. AR and VR: These technologies are starting to be integrated into websites to provide immersive experiences, particularly in e-commerce, real estate, and education.
  4. Digital Tea makes the most of the global pandemic, and shifts to fully remote workspaces in 2020. We continue to offer unique and dynamic website, app, and custom software design and development, as well as Digital Marketing services to clients around the globe.

Design Characteristics of Websites in the 2020s

  • Personalization: Tailored content and experiences based on user data and preferences.
  • Immersive Experiences: Use of AI, AR, and VR to engage users in novel ways.
  • Performance Optimization: Fast-loading, efficient websites with a focus on accessibility and inclusivity.

Future Trends: What’s Brewing in Web Design?

As we look to the next 25 years, there are several emerging trends and technologies that are sure to further revolutionize the web design industry as we know it. Let’s dive in!

Key Trends

  • Voice User Interface (VUI): With the rise of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, websites will increasingly incorporate voice search and navigation capabilities. This has incredible possible applications for increased accessibility, among many others.
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs offer a blend of both web and mobile apps, providing fast, reliable, and engaging experiences without needing to be installed.
  • Neumorphism and Glassmorphism: These new design aesthetics blend real-world object mimicry with digital interfaces, creating more tactile and visually appealing designs.
  • Sustainability: As environmental concerns grow, there will be a greater emphasis on creating energy-efficient websites with minimal carbon footprints.
  • No-Code/Low-Code Development: Platforms that allow users to build websites and applications with little coding knowledge will continue to democratize web design.
  • Digital Tea is looking towards the future by strategic hiring of individuals to build out the team, enhance our capabilities, and factor in some time for much-deserved R&R. The Tea(m) is more excited than ever to be doing what we do best and what we love to do – innovating in an industry that never stops changing!

Reflecting on 25 Years: Steeped in Learning


One of the most crucial lessons we’ve taken from our first 25 trips around the sun is the importance of adaptability. The web design industry never stops evolving, and staying current with latest trends and technologies is essential for success. The willingness to learn and adapt to new tools, frameworks, and methodologies is essential for designers and developers to keep themselves relevant and able to keep up with the speed of technological advancements.

User Focus

Focusing on the user has become more important than ever. User-centred design and UX principles ensure that websites are visually appealing, functional, and enjoyable to use. Understanding a user’s needs and behaviours are key to creating successful web experiences.


Web design is inherently collaborative. Successful projects require input from everyone involved – designers, developers, content creators, and stakeholders. Effective communication and teamwork are integral to creating cohesive and well-rounded websites. They’re also essential to a business’ longevity – like, say, one that’s been around for 25 years.


Innovation is a human experience and drives us all forward, and Digital Tea and our longevity in the Web Design industry is a testament to this. Incredible ideas and out-of-the-box thinking create outstanding user experiences and happy customers. There are probably not many groundbreaking ideas that weren’t first deemed to be a little ‘out there.’ Embracing new technologies and experimenting with novel design and programming approaches can lead to breakthrough solutions and set new standards for the industry.


We at Digital Tea pride ourselves on being collaborative with one another and our customers, our unwavering focus on our clients and end users, our ‘out there’ thinking to come up with innovative solutions, and our ability to adapt and thrive in an industry that never stops moving. These characteristics have seen us through our first quarter century, but they are all brought together by one aspect that unites us – we are curious. Curiosity feeds innovation because we want to know how to be better, make something different and better than before, and learn how a new technology works and can be applied to our websites. User focus and collaboration require curiosity to discover how users want their experiences to unfold and to collaborate with colleagues and clients to come up with the best solutions for projects.

Conclusion: Savouring the Journey, One Sip at a Time

Celebrating 25 years in the web design industry is not just about looking back at past achievements and milestones, but is also about embracing the future with enthusiasm and curiosity. The journey from simple text-based pages to complex, interactive, and immersive web experiences is a testament to the creativity, resilience, and innovation of web designers and developers around the world.

As we move forward, the possibilities are endless. With advancements in AI, AR, VR, and other emerging technologies, the next 25 years promise to be even more exciting and transformative. So raise your cups (pinkies up, please) to the future of web design and the incredible journey ahead!

Thank you for joining us on this trip down memory lane. Stay tuned for more insights, trends, tips, and innovations in the world of web design. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, just starting in the industry, or looking for a partner to help realize your web and app design dreams, the industry offers endless opportunities to create, innovate, and inspire, and Digital Tea has the experience and expertise to take your project from good to exceptional.

Cheers, friends!