Web Design and Development for YABS
For more than 30 years, Young Alberta Book Society has been an advocate for children’s literacy in Alberta. Their mission is “to foster literacy and a love of reading among young people in Alberta by providing access to the province’s literary artists and their work.
It was our pleasure to support them in that mission.
The Love of Reading
Working with Young Alberta Book Society we created a modern, mobile responsive website that lets them share their love of reading among young people in Alberta.
More about the project
An-easy-to-navigate site makes it easy for all stakeholders to find the right information that pertains to them. Whether a visitor is looking to learn more about programs, donate, or to become an artist member, the site is designed to be easy to navigate.
A searchable membership directory make it easy for visitors to find artist and provides extra exposure and value to member artist.
Feel free to view the finished product, or view the other things we can do for you!